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Thanks for taking an interest in donating to the Saxton Hell community! Our servers cost quite a bit of money to run, and donations go a long way to helping us keep them running.

Hate In-game Ads? So do we!

Thanks to the support from our thoughtful donators, we pledge to never force our players to watch any awful ingame advertisements!

Attention Former Donators

All previous donators now have access to our donation perks alongside current donators as a thank you from us!

Donation Perks

  • Fox tail, pony tail, cape, and pony wings attachables on all our servers.
  • Ability to choose your hale boss on our VSH and FF2 servers.
  • Reserve slots across all our servers.
  • Immunity from class restrictions.
  • Ability to play saysounds on our game servers.
  • Exclusive donator chat on our servers.
  • Godmode and buddha on our Trade server.
  • Custom chat color on the Trade server.
  • Ability to use donator only props on our Prophunt server.
  • Access to exclusive donator only raffles.
  • Player trails on Deathrun, Trade, Jump, and Dodgeball servers.
  • The ability to resize yourself on our Trade and Deathrun servers.
  • Being able to choose your team preference on our Zombie Fortress server.
  • Selecting Killstreak Effects on your weapons.
  • Access to the taunt menu plugin, allowing you to use any taunt.
  • Our eternal love and gratitude. <3

For more information on the perks and how to make use of them, check out the Donator FAQs.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact one of our admins, email us, or post in our forums. Thanks!

Donation Method